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HCAM has three facilities in the Town of Holbrook.  Our main facility is the 140 N. Franklin St. location, where we hold studio hours on a daily basis and contains most of our equipment.  This facility holds a control room as well as two studios. 

The second facility is a control room at Town Hall that has access to film from the new Noel C. King Selectmen meeting room and the old Selectmen meeting room on the first floor. 

Lastly, we have an all-in-one studio/control room at the Jr/Sr High School meant for after school programs and sports broadcast.

Control Room 1

The control room is our headquarters for capturing filmed events without our studio spaces.  Here we utilize a Broadcast Pix computer system as well as Title Motion graphics creator, Sony robotic cameras and sound mixxing.

Control Room 2
Control Room
Studio A
Studio B

Our larger studio space where we have held live election broadcasts, School Committee and Permanent School Building Committee meetings.  The space appeals to a sizeable audience and is a community space that the public can request to reserve for town sports meetings, youth programs or other necessary gatherings.

Jr/Sr High School Studio

The Jr/Sr High School has a small space dedicated to the students of the Video Production Club.  We hold weekly after-school meetings to produce original content and teach basic video production.  Some elements that are taught in these spaces are brainstorming ideas, research and writing for TV, becoming talent, audio and video setup, graphic creation and live filming.

Studio A

Studio A is meant for small-scale shows with little to no audience while being filmed.  The space facilities our storage of sets and other equipment as well.

Studio B
Town Hall Control Room

The Town Hall control room is located on the second floor right near the old second floor meeting room.  The room houses two of our Broadcast Pix units that have the ability to control the filming of meetings within the Noel C King Selectmen meeting room and 1st floor meeting room.

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245 S. Franklin St. Door 9, Holbrook, MA. 02343

781-767-7487  | info@hcamtv.orgP.O. Box 104

© 2024 HCAM

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